
New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10. VOTE ABSTAIN

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10.   VOTE ABSTAIN Here we go again! The political arena is set like a three-ring circus for its selected candidates to act like clowns beating each other down with irrelevant slander. But do remember! While we the people, acting as good “Fellow Automatons”, are not only being cattle herded to cast a vote in a ballot box that will choose who will represent the country’s direction for the next four years, but the world is watching and, in many ways, laughing! How sad! The very first article of our constitution , the privilege and right to vote, has been battled and amended multiple times to include African Americans, Women, and those sent to war as early as age 18.   Yet it has lost its sense of duty . Its sense of responsibility and obligation has become little more than something to tolerate. Over time, it has been diluted and squandered, more so, exploited by an elite where the ones with the most toys tend to play and win. Thus, the

New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9. Joining the Rank and File

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9.  Joining the Rank and File  Praise the Lord, Halle-leu, just don’t care what the devils gonna do. The new automatons are back in school, and the parental batons are getting passed on. September is here and it’s back to where the automaton assembly line awaits . Its linear, rote learning process (mandatory daily recitals) is ready to provide rewards for the best parrots and no carrots for those being identified and isolated to be left behind. No time for rehabilitation. Education is little more than social promotion so best learn to adapt and live with the constipation of the imagination. But isn’t this where finding self is supposed to be key – where the need to know who you are and what you want is the greatest discovery one can experience and achieve? Thank God for charter schools and experiential education programs using methods (e.g. the Montessori Schools) that lead young minds to exploring one’s areas of interest and potential. Bu
  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 8.   Religious Automatons It has been said that “ religion is the opiate of the masses ; the sign of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of a soulless condition” fostering the rank and file of automatons within a political economy operating in the name of a God emphasizing frugality, hard work, and thrift - regardless of consequential human suffering. Thus, without many spiritual restrictions, automatons just obey and reap the benefits in the afterlife – more specifically - the kingdom to come. But didn’t Jesus say “ the kingdom of God is upon you ” thus implying a call for action and change in the HERE AND NOW ! Well, while there has been action and change throughout history, He also said the poor will remain constant. But that doesn’t imply a need for the suffering we see on a daily basis. Yet, contrary to the potential for peaceful co-existence, the disparity between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS remains
  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 7.   Family - To Be or Not To Be You can’t talk about automatons (robot citizens) without considering the three-fold environment youth are forced to comply with: The three-ring circus of Institutions, Peers, and perhaps most important, Home. Before labeling them delinquent deviants, consider their dilemma; young minds overloaded by three sets of rules and regulations while experimenting to discover boundaries and, with some sense of meaning and purpose, find their own path to develop and pursue. Family life is rapidly changing and there is no longer one dominant family form. Two-parent households are on the decline as divorce, single parenting, remarriage, and cohabitation are on the rise. With the need to meet financial demands, and the help of the techno-industry, more moms have entered the labor force , and in many cases, are becoming the primary breadwinners. Imagine what that does to the traditional male and female roles youth are
  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 6.   Youth Are Commodities. How can it be said, with such certainty, that Automatons (new slaves; see part 1) are cost effective; relatively cheap, abundant, and easily replaceable commodities to keep in place with minimal violence and intimidation? One needs to just recall Willy Lynch’s “The making of a slave” (see part 1): A manifesto generationally guaranteeing slave trust and loyalty by maintaining an atmosphere of fear, distrust, and envy ; that once broken, divided, and conquered, the automaton can be easily selected, trained, and assigned based on their individual levels of weakness, gullibility, and depravation. Thus, it is safe to say that regardless of socio-economic status, we are all just another cog in the economic wheel of capitalism: Automatons unleashed within a socially alienating arena where “dog eats dog.” Dare you disagree? Let’s See! It may be more obvious in countries like Thailand, India, Pakistan, Brazil, and