Utopia! A New Years Resolution
January - Utopia! A New Years Resolution Happy New Year Fellow Automatons ! Here we are once more - at ground zero waiting for the ball and chain of capital gain to drop and launch the usual chase for whatever delights of sorts your heart desires. It’s day one of 365 opportunities to turn things dynamically around through a diverse series of new year resolutions. Whether “individually or collectively”, be it physically monetarily or spiritually: May your wheels be well greased and nutted tight. May your shock absorbers have plenty of spring to embrace the bumps ahead. May your mufflers be ready to play hush hush but - on the down low – Do Be Aware of the coming snares . Donald Duck’s in the White House and the Red Coats have retaken Capitol Hill as the Supreme Court prepares to walk on thin ice. So BE AWARE! A tsunami full of changes is a coming down the pipeline with loads of funk to swallow - and face it - it’s too late to wallow . So Ho! Ho ! Ho! Do activate your resolutio...