
Utopia! A New Years Resolution

  January - Utopia! A New Years Resolution Happy New Year Fellow Automatons ! Here we are once more - at ground zero waiting for the ball and chain of capital gain to drop and launch the usual chase for whatever delights of sorts your heart desires. It’s day one of 365 opportunities to turn things dynamically around through a diverse series of new year resolutions. Whether “individually or collectively”, be it physically monetarily or spiritually: May your wheels be well greased and nutted tight. May your shock absorbers have plenty of spring to embrace the bumps ahead. May your mufflers be ready to play hush hush but - on the down low – Do Be Aware of the coming snares . Donald Duck’s in the White House and the Red Coats have retaken Capitol Hill as the Supreme Court prepares to walk on thin ice. So BE AWARE! A tsunami full of changes is a coming down the pipeline with loads of funk to swallow - and face it - it’s too late to wallow . So Ho! Ho ! Ho! Do activate your resolutio...

New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 12: JESUS VS CHRISTMAS

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 12: JESUS VS CHRISTMAS Beware fellow Automatons! Christmas is here and you have been programed to spend; to bailout the industries that count on making ¼ of their annual profits in the name of Jesus. In return, you’ll gain the opportunity to bare the Christian cross and crown of thorns: Credit Card Debt in the name of Jesus Christ (J.C.) while losing the essence of the day. J.C. is not only a symbol that points to eternal life, but an opportunity to be a citizen of UTOPIA – HEAVEN ON EARTH! And note! One way or the other, we are moving toward a one world order: An order stating trust government, not God – instilled by force and not by faith filled choice. J.C. is a precious gift offered not just to reconcile our relationship back with God but with our neighbors as well. Yet the economics of Christmas has become the important thing to consider. It’s a high-volume selling season full of purchasing cards, gifts, decorations, cloths ...

New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 11: LET VOTER TRANSPARENCY REIGN

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 11: LET VOTER TRANSPARENCY REIGN Malcolm X said, “ If you don't stand for something (within your own principles), you will fall for anything !” It doesn’t matter who’s won the election . What should matter is the shady process being utilized. There seems to be a few inherent things that should be brought into question before the next election. Presently, it seems like the political party is being allowed to choose its voters rather than the voters choosing their representatives. To that, the philosopher Voltaire cautions: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Consider Trump! To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. Thomas Paine (Common Sense) Consider yourself and note Voltaire: Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. Many say there is no point in voting anymore. But havin...

New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10. VOTE ABSTAIN

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10.   VOTE ABSTAIN Here we go again! The political arena is set like a three-ring circus for its selected candidates to act like clowns beating each other down with irrelevant slander. But do remember! While we the people, acting as good “Fellow Automatons”, are not only being cattle herded to cast a vote in a ballot box that will choose who will represent the country’s direction for the next four years, but the world is watching and, in many ways, laughing! How sad! The very first article of our constitution , the privilege and right to vote, has been battled and amended multiple times to include African Americans, Women, and those sent to war as early as age 18.   Yet it has lost its sense of duty . Its sense of responsibility and obligation has become little more than something to tolerate. Over time, it has been diluted and squandered, more so, exploited by an elite where the ones with the most toys tend to play and w...

New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9. Joining the Rank and File

  New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9.  Joining the Rank and File  Praise the Lord, Halle-leu, just don’t care what the devils gonna do. The new automatons are back in school, and the parental batons are getting passed on. September is here and it’s back to where the automaton assembly line awaits . Its linear, rote learning process (mandatory daily recitals) is ready to provide rewards for the best parrots and no carrots for those being identified and isolated to be left behind. No time for rehabilitation. Education is little more than social promotion so best learn to adapt and live with the constipation of the imagination. But isn’t this where finding self is supposed to be key – where the need to know who you are and what you want is the greatest discovery one can experience and achieve? Thank God for charter schools and experiential education programs using methods (e.g. the Montessori Schools) that lead young minds to exploring one’s areas of interest and...