New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 11: LET VOTER TRANSPARENCY REIGN
New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 11: LET VOTER TRANSPARENCY REIGN
Malcolm X said, “If you
don't stand for something (within your own principles), you will fall
for anything!” It doesn’t matter who’s won the election. What should
matter is the shady process being utilized. There seems to be a few inherent
things that should be brought into question before the next election.
Presently, it seems like the political party is being allowed to choose its
voters rather than the voters choosing their representatives. To that, the
philosopher Voltaire cautions: Those who can make you believe absurdities can
make you commit atrocities. Consider Trump! To argue with a person who has
renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. Thomas
Paine (Common Sense)
Consider yourself and note
Voltaire: Anyone who has the power to make you
believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. Many
say there is no point in voting anymore. But having not voted at all, for
whatever reason, though it plays well in the present political machinery, is
not smart. Voting is not only an important rightful privilege – it’s an
obligated civic responsibility! Like jury duty, it should be MANDATORY!
That doesn’t mean citizens have to vote for either or the lesser of two evils.
It means there should be an option where citizens can say neither.
And there is! It’s always been there! It’s called the “write in” option at
the bottom of the candidate list. There, you can even write in your own
name. The problem is that it’s presently not counted. But how many votes get
erased under the present use of the electoral vote. Under it, a person can
win the people’s popular vote and still lose the election. Why? How?
Take for example: with a
population of 3+ million, Connecticut has 7 of the 538 electoral
votes; with 19+, New York has 28; with 9+, New Jersey has 14.
Note, it only takes 270 votes to win. What happened to the millions of
popular voters? They get lumped into the winner within each state. There seems
to be something wrong with that! So why not use the “write in” option at
the bottom of the candidate list to enter “Abstain” and compare “the total
popular vote” with the current census to see if we indeed have a people’s
election. Let’s get transparent and see how many votes are actually missing:
Especially among those enjoying government benefits (e.g. Public Assistance,
Disability, Social Security, etc.)! And
let’s be honest; while “some people can be reasoned into sense” and action, for
the sake of true transparency, others must be shocked into it. Thus, dare
make the vote mandatory. And for the sake of avoiding coercion, for
those that don’t like any of the listed candidates, let the write in option be
used to vote abstain.
Point! It is the duty of every man,
as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error. (Paine).
If the abstain vote outnumbers the count each listed candidate has been
able to achieve, just like a recount is allowed to detain the outcome of an
election, common sense says either the right candidate has not been
found or the public has not been provided sufficient information and
understanding to make their decision – TRANSPARENCY CAN BE ACHIEVED!
Don’t Belong
don’t belong! I don’t want to belong
don’t want! To here – to this – adjust – its’ wrong
here now place without right or reason
in chambers scattered here and there to simulate and tease
can’t find space or place to ease my mind from the constant noise
constant flow of cars, trucks and buses that never cease to pass
constant flow of people rushing, screaming & fighting, a people dis-eased
fed and congested deep within a people in discord
void! Quiet mornings and peaceful nights
hear the wind flowing through the trees or the chirping birds therein
no escape, there’s no appease, there’s not even a please
please! I need to ease or cease
haunted onto disgust
memories I can’t seem to shake
snippers and clansmen still lurking in the shadows
maneuvers still rising both abroad and at home
I rarely saw – firemen I rarely heard
that never begged – Unions that new their place
and Communities replaced by Condos and Transients
Where for everything its own special place … all near Gone!
nothing but crowds – in, out and all around
threatening and bargaining
to have me – Paying to get rid of me
Another piece of merchandise online – I must decide
live or die – and – on what side
to the outside – a coverup lie
time to sob or regret – no time to forget
online – to live or die – must decide cause I feel I don’t belong
or Die – Must Decide
By Jose M Yrizarry
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