Utopia! A New Years Resolution


January - Utopia! A New Years Resolution

Happy New Year Fellow Automatons! Here we are once more - at ground zero waiting for the ball and chain of capital gain to drop and launch the usual chase for whatever delights of sorts your heart desires. It’s day one of 365 opportunities to turn things dynamically around through a diverse series of new year resolutions. Whether “individually or collectively”, be it physically monetarily or spiritually: May your wheels be well greased and nutted tight. May your shock absorbers have plenty of spring to embrace the bumps ahead. May your mufflers be ready to play hush hush but - on the down low – Do Be Aware of the coming snares. Donald Duck’s in the White House and the Red Coats have retaken Capitol Hill as the Supreme Court prepares to walk on thin ice. So BE AWARE! A tsunami full of changes is a coming down the pipeline with loads of funk to swallow - and face it - it’s too late to wallow.

So Ho! Ho ! Ho! Do activate your resolutions. Do eat, drink and be merry while you can - knowing how from the dawn of time this “DAY ONE” of “MORE TO COME” has been celebrated within many cultures with a wide variety of both ways and meaning. For example, it’s INTERESTING to note: 2025 is the Chinese, “16 day” New Year of the SNAKE which, contrary to the western idea of original sin, is supposed to bring wise and intuitive energy for personal transformation and collective growth. Also INTERESTING to note: The Jewish Year of Jubilee (as explained in Leviticus 25:9-10 and inscribed on the Liberty bell in Philadelphia) is WORTH NOTING for its inherent commitment to forgive debts and free slaves every 50 years.

We can reference a multitude of examples, but if you really look, there is a common denominator at the bottom of every resolution: Dig deep down and note the individual and collective desire for that original place of grace with a state of mind filled peace longing to be satisfied. Oh yea! Deep down we long for “thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven.” Can you imagine if Utopia was on the top of everyone’s wish list? Yet when it comes to putting the plow to the task; the pushing the peddle to the metal; the sweating and sacrificing needed for the promised prize to be had: How easily we flip the switch and call it all an imaginary place in the afterlife, an impractical scheme for social improvements that have given birth to a multitude of wicked ism’s like communism, socialism, fascism and imperialism. Thus exits the idea of the Garden of Eden as enters a world with a constant threat: “What you gonna do when the growing global order comes looking for you?”

For the coming centralized global order to flourish, Automatonic coexistence is inevitable. So regardless of the cost (fight, flee or compromise), Let long live the Utopian Automaton! Though proving itself circumstantially improbable, there are still potential possibilities to be had: So Go Utopia! That place with ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions! However, Utopia is a journey of the heart and from the heart the mouth speaks. And what the mouth speaks tends to become reality. So watch your mouth – think, speak, and struggle for a new tomorrow.

Emotionalize to Compromise


Let’s emotionalize to mobilize a compromise

That will sterilize the confusion in the present situation

Far from the potential of our nature for interaction and intervention.

Let the heavens fall till the truth be told,

Let Lightening fill our veins as we seek to run the good race

And let thunder roar with every beat of our hearts.

Let our tears flow like a Rainstorm

To nourish and strengthen the depths of our soul

In ways to brave a cause to emotionalize and mobilize

A compromise that will sterilize the pollution,

the commotion of confusion in our minds and hearts

Till the truth be told about the present strife

Till the fuss and fight be stilled

Let the heavens fall

To emotionalize and mobilize,

To sterilize the confusion of pollution

Far from the potential of our human nature

To love and make compromise throughout the nation

By Jose M Yrizarry




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