New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9. Joining the Rank and File


New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 9.  Joining the Rank and File 

Praise the Lord, Halle-leu, just don’t care what the devils gonna do. The new automatons are back in school, and the parental batons are getting passed on. September is here and it’s back to where the automaton assembly line awaits. Its linear, rote learning process (mandatory daily recitals) is ready to provide rewards for the best parrots and no carrots for those being identified and isolated to be left behind. No time for rehabilitation. Education is little more than social promotion so best learn to adapt and live with the constipation of the imagination. But isn’t this where finding self is supposed to be key – where the need to know who you are and what you want is the greatest discovery one can experience and achieve? Thank God for charter schools and experiential education programs using methods (e.g. the Montessori Schools) that lead young minds to exploring one’s areas of interest and potential. But for most, public education is a process of avoiding forms of prosecution, persecution, or outright execution. Thus, the need to find mechanisms of escape.

Topping the coping list is of course sex, drugs, Hip-Hop and Rege-ton. But ask any counselor with some wit and common sense and most will agree; the ultimate goal is to withdraw from the world and get noticed as little as possible or narcissistically inflate self to be bigger than one’s surroundings (e.g. the bully, the gang member or the teacher’s pet). Put briefly, individuals cease trying to find one’s self-identity and simply become an automaton; just adopt one of the predictable personalities offered by the surrounding social cultural patterns and lose the conscious fear of powerless aloneness. By the time high school graduation comes, those that make it are now ready to be trusted with the next process of indoctrination: College! The place where one acquires the official papers to join the rank and file of capital gain and possible fame.

Thus, it’s nearly essential to at least play the game of surrendering self and become automatized, another important cog in the socio-economic wheel for personal achievement and prosperity. But to assume that it’s all normal and acceptable contradicts the general idea that we’re free to think and feel as one pleases: To sincerely believe one’s thoughts and actions are authentic is a dangerous illusion to have while trying to navigate the slippery slopes of daily living. It blocks one’s ability to identify and remove conditions responsible for the current state of human affairs; a state where fear of want tomorrow fosters hording today because of shortcomings experienced yesterday; a perpetual state that keeps participants robotically chasing each other’s tails and justifies the global game of dog-eats-dog!

WARNING! Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind to prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God (Rom 12:2) – Fight for Utopia! A place where finally found; a religion that pours into the bitter chalice of the suffering human species some sweet, calming drops of spiritual opium, some drops of love, hope and faith to hold on to. Heaven on Earth is possible!




Warning: You have been institutionalized

Sterilized from the function of production

Marginalized for the function of surplus pro-creation

And made complacent to exist in the matrix of systemic cooperation

With the obliteration of the nation without a hint of objection


Warning: You have been institutionalized

To sit at the banquet feast of lies

Where the flags of justice and liberty for all allegedly flies

Where the murmur of discrimination in whisper thrives

And the dust of the dream blinds the eyes

While the ashes of the soul grows cold


Warning: You have been institutionalized

Sterilized! Marginalized! And Compromised

To believe in Homeland Security within its lurking shadows of triply

Where FBI, CIA, Masons and Minute Men See it all


Warning: You have been institutionalized and compromised

While the shuttle readies to take the chosen few

Somewhere beyond the moon just because

Because They’re Petrified!  Because They’re Mortified!

That the institutionalized might wake up – might realize

and rise

To break their present pack of lies

 Warning! It’s time for the institutionalized

To rise against the present pack of lies



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