New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10. VOTE ABSTAIN


New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 10.  VOTE ABSTAIN

Here we go again! The political arena is set like a three-ring circus for its selected candidates to act like clowns beating each other down with irrelevant slander. But do remember! While we the people, acting as good “Fellow Automatons”, are not only being cattle herded to cast a vote in a ballot box that will choose who will represent the country’s direction for the next four years, but the world is watching and, in many ways, laughing!

How sad! The very first article of our constitution, the privilege and right to vote, has been battled and amended multiple times to include African Americans, Women, and those sent to war as early as age 18.  Yet it has lost its sense of duty. Its sense of responsibility and obligation has become little more than something to tolerate. Over time, it has been diluted and squandered, more so, exploited by an elite where the ones with the most toys tend to play and win. Thus, the ballot has come to mean little more than a game periodically fabricated by a few, sold to the highest bidder within ranks of the alleged nobles, and bought by the general public while having little regard for the ever-growing needs of the nation.

But is it a game? I think NOT! Like jury duty warrants a mandatory response, so too should it be with the vote: MAKE IT MANDATORY! And where the offered candidates are a sham, then like congress, FILIBUSTER THE ELECTION (tie it up in debate) by   using the “write in” option (at the bottom of listed candidates) WITH AN “ABSTAIN” VOTE. Rather than being forced to vote either/or (the lesser of evils), rather than not voting at all … everyone, every citizen, every automaton needs to be represented and counted. And where abstain outnumbers all the listed candidates … BANG … STOP … go back to the drawing board and give the people, no longer herded automatons, a real candidate to select.

The only thing missing in the “write in option” is that it’s not lumped and counted as a candidate! Yet with it several things can happen.  It would record everyone’s sentiments while giving everyone who refuses to vote an option free of coercion. It forces the political wheel to really think and reflect on its process and what the people want and need. But most important, it holds everyone accountable to do their homework. So, like a squirrel scrambling through the fields of propaganda, gather your nuts of available knowledge and cast your vote with wisdom and understanding. For example: The Britanica Nonpartisan Pro/Con list of issues and candidates is an interesting, “to the point” site to consider for presidential positions on key topics/issues: Worldwide!

So Red alert! Opportunity is knocking at the door! Break the chains of herd mentality to see, think and choose for yourself. Awaken from your slumber and step out from the fog of complacency and propaganda to see the light of self-determination: Stick it to them and dare vote abstain because America Is Burning!



Watching the scenes spreading across the country …

While Sticks waving and dogs barking,

While blinding gas suffocating, grenades and cannons exploding.

Thus the end is threatening with images of horror pressing!

Anarchy! Spreading from the spectrums of self-annihilation …

While Millions infected! Thousands are dying!

and from the annals of a time thought long gone and put to rest

springing back to life - flames from beneath the ashes of hot coals

smoke signals rising – warning!

Where there is smoke there is fire

and America is burning

Extra! Extra! Read all about it –God’s working all things out for good

“but the next revolution won’t be televised! It will be coming to you live”

So Beware – be aware AND PREPARE - coming to you LIVE

The great Tribulation, the abomination, the desolation of the present generation in desperation

While Everything FALLING under investigation.

Reparation retaliation instigation and interrogation

While the Jesus ascension trying to give some hope and consolation

swirling like a snake slivering through the chambers of the mind

thus my present contemplation

and the closing of my rhythm and rhyme  

just open wide for a gulp of Cod liver emulsion

just bend over for A POLITICAL DEMONIC injection 

cause the system is a Breaking and starting anew ***

So beware and prepare - a hidden agenda stacked with blunder for plunder

don’t be sold on “All that glitters is gold”

Cause cloaked in discretion - the black and white hoods are not a thing of past

alas! What’s being incited instigated and promoted isn’t just going to pass

Its a Freight train running out of control don’t you see

America is burning

With a New dawn a rising and big changes a coming

the lines are drawn with class inequalities and racial discrimination

spreading throughout the nation with drones, bio chips and more

so do beware and prepare – cause America is a burning

The balancing scales are swaying like a pendulum –

its blade is sharp ready and thirsting for its pound of flesh and blood

and it aint the crypts and neighborhood bloods running out of control

ITS INSTITUTIONS BRINGING ANNIALATION without getting its PROPER share of retribution

DON’T YOU KNOW  - can’t you tell - America is burning

and it aint a figment of the imagination

While racial discrimination still rising and pandemic elimination still in procession

America is burning and its constitution needs go under investigation

Cause make no mistake - America is burning


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