New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 8.  Religious Automatons

It has been said that “religion is the opiate of the masses; the sign of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of a soulless condition” fostering the rank and file of automatons within a political economy operating in the name of a God emphasizing frugality, hard work, and thrift - regardless of consequential human suffering. Thus, without many spiritual restrictions, automatons just obey and reap the benefits in the afterlife – more specifically - the kingdom to come.

But didn’t Jesus say “the kingdom of God is upon you” thus implying a call for action and change in the HERE AND NOW! Well, while there has been action and change throughout history, He also said the poor will remain constant. But that doesn’t imply a need for the suffering we see on a daily basis. Yet, contrary to the potential for peaceful co-existence, the disparity between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS remains constant if not worse. So, what was the point of the Protestant Reformation and the Separation between Church and State? Was it just a shift in the money going to an elect few rather than the coffers of the church?

According to famed sociologist Max Weber, Capitalism in Northern Europe evolved when the Calvinist Protestant code of ethics influenced large numbers of people to work hard in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in both trade and conscience-free accumulation of wealth for investment; thus, keeping capitalism well fed to thrive like a soul damning cancer without restraint – Point!  Where in the name of God everything and anything is game by any means necessary, the spirit of capitalism will develop a kind of involuntary servitude to serve a mechanized industry that can care less about who pushes its buttons.

Thus, the importance of religion in the lives of contemporary Americans is steadily on the decline. Records show a trend. While higher education tends to replace faith based discernment with scientific calculation; ages 15-30 are either shifting from their religious upbringing to something new or leaving affiliation all together; ages 30-60 are returning with a possible urgent sense of sin and the need for atonement; the largely autonomous Pentecostal movement is not only influencing the charismatics of the roman catholic church, but is becoming the fastest growing religion in the world. And although centered mostly on prosperity preaching, a pulpit driven psychotherapy has traded biblical principles for personal empowerment and general entertainment. Thus, 5 Mega Churches in the south and mid-west have risen to a membership 10,000+ strong. How’s that for a political thrust in voting power. Thus, when expectations are not met and the political institution fails to exercise a will to address systemic shortcomings, religion can serve as an organizing principle to mobilize people for sociopolitical action.

Point! You can’t separate political capitalism from religion without losing the fact that a utopian like kingdom is possible and well worth pursuing. No where better can this voting power be seen in action than among the Amish and Jews, specifically the Kibbutz and Hasidic clans, where faith-based marriage, family, and child rearing practices are collectively observed and upheld. Note their doctrine of control by conscience causes rigorous honesty, confession, and a conviction in that when one turns to the Lord, the veils of selfish pursuits are lifted, and the truth is brought to light: Where the spirit of the Lord resides there is PEACE, COMMUNITY and LIBERTY. “Welcome the religion that pours into the bitter chalice of the suffering human species some sweet, soporific drops of spiritual opium, some drops of love, hope and faith.”


The Grand River Red


I walk with the infinite hand in hand

I dwell both at the heights of kings and the pits of their lowest subjects

While constant through the valleys of laborers, nobles and lords I run


I carry the message of life’s essence in seeds upon my back

I collect the spent residue of mortal remains just the same

As I roar and whisper along the path of existence from beginning to end


I never go astray nor tarry along the way

I do not fret the coming of tomorrow nor linger with remorse for yesterday

And today is but a fleeting moment,

a shadow tween what was and what will be


I am the echo of forefathers and the voice of offspring’s in the distance

I am the coffin of bones put to rest, transformed to shells in my bed

And the womb from which new pearls to the world are fed


I am the grand river red

That which lingers dormant in the back of your head

That which calls on to you – that which you call upon with unspoken words

That which escapes the charts of maps and eludes you wildest dreams


I am the grand river red – made eternal by the infinites spell

The portal, the gateway to the mystic realms of heaven

And the mental gates of hell

Where only the chosen willing few can drink from my bittersweet well


I am the grand river red – able to transform and transport it all

The collected dead bones of knowledge – endlessly recorded and recited

To the vibrant chambers of wisdom – the future insighted and exploited

for i am the grand river red


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