New Slaves for the New Global Economy Part 7.  Family - To Be or Not To Be

You can’t talk about automatons (robot citizens) without considering the three-fold environment youth are forced to comply with: The three-ring circus of Institutions, Peers, and perhaps most important, Home. Before labeling them delinquent deviants, consider their dilemma; young minds overloaded by three sets of rules and regulations while experimenting to discover boundaries and, with some sense of meaning and purpose, find their own path to develop and pursue.

Family life is rapidly changing and there is no longer one dominant family form. Two-parent households are on the decline as divorce, single parenting, remarriage, and cohabitation are on the rise. With the need to meet financial demands, and the help of the techno-industry, more moms have entered the labor force, and in many cases, are becoming the primary breadwinners. Imagine what that does to the traditional male and female roles youth are supposed to follow. Further, with the use of contraceptives, family sizes are shrinking and about 39% of children will have had a mother in a cohabiting relationship by the time they turn 12. The numbers vary between different cultures, economic status, and level of political involvement but one thing is sure; certain professions, and character traits are generationally inherited and passed on. Thus, the existence of dynasties in American professions, like politics, brings into question the legitimacy of the country’s democracy.

Seeking to prevent another monarchy, the founding fathers created a system of government whereby automaton voters elect almost every conceivable public office. However, they also implemented a system guaranteeing certain automatons are pre-programed, groomed to uphold the direction of specific positions with hidden agendas. Nothing works better than a series of indoctrinating stages spread across levels of age, education, internships and/or employment opportunities: Rites of passage. Point!  A small number of families monopolizing political power can generationally undermine the quality of democratic representation available to participating automaton citizens. Their ongoing existence and prominence convey a level of inequality in access to political influence and an atmosphere of hypocritic disparity between what the system and family are currently transmitting to young adults:  Thus, inner conflict and confusion begins to mount with a sense of anger, grief, and depression throughout our automaton nation; Without Discrimination!

Mom and pop go to work, leave their children in alternate, often conflicting child rearing hands, and spend long hours playing the automaton game full of neurotic needs and demands where its ok, if not necessary, to exchange hedonistic, sado-masochistic, and narcissistic tendencies.  But can you leave those tendencies behind or do you bring them home for more of the same. Mind you! The young are watching, experiencing, and learning. A Franciscan Friar wisely wrote, “if we do not transform our pain (and vulnerability), we will most assuredly transmit it!” Thus, the psychological unraveling of America: mal-adjusting youth automatons as early as ages 12-17 are experiencing major depression, issues with gender orientation, suicidal ideations, and violent acts capable of escalating to murder as individual family and institutional morals and values continue to be compromised. Point? It’s safe to say young people are experiencing Cognitive dissonance (a condition where individual self-perception conflicts with the realities of day-to-day life; thus, an emotional toll/strain on their mental psyche). Alienation (a state of being withdrawn/separated from the world around them; thus, separated from their nature or society they live with feelings of powerlessness or helplessness) is on the rise: A perfect environment for creating the new slave, the Automaton (a relatively self-operating or controlled mechanism designed to automatically follow a sequence of predetermined instructions).


By blood sweat falling from my brow.

No wipe can help me now.

My heart pounds hard!

Its throbbing sound consumes my ears

and drowns my thoughts with waves of yesterdays now gone

My now left to say

For you, for me, more so for CHILD - OUR SEEDS!

Tomorrow just might not be


Like dried and broken shells upon life’s shores

Made sore filled, population small


Its cry to drift into a setting sun

Where cold of fearful dark makes human touch with human touch

A thing we want, A thing we wish, A thing we need but can’t afford

For sake that thing we fake

Comes back to shake our soul with truth …

We reap and sow deceptions tempest seed.

Oh so bitter good we think …

Those things in dark exchanged to sting

That unspoken, unseen thing that blinds

with blood sweat falling down from brow to eye

Say Ahi ahi ahí – maldita sea – BE DAMNED!

No wipe can help us now where now

Like in you and you and you

The heart pounds hard!

Consuming is its sound that drowns my thoughts of yesterdays

In ways that say because of now – Tomorrow might not be

For you, for me, more so for CHILD


Like dried up broken shells upon life’s shores

Made sore filled, population small

Its call for help a fading cry upon a setting sun

Where cold and fearful dark makes human touch

A thing we want, we wish, we need, but can’t afford

For sake that thing we dare to fake

Come shake our soul with truth

That seed we sow - That seed we reap does fall

Like dried up broken shells upon life’s fruitless, barren shores


In cold and fright-filled dark

That seed we dare call child … FOR WHAT?

Its cry be damned to drift into a setting sun to live in cold and fear-filled dark.

Say then Dear child, Dear child

Because of we … for you … Tomorrow simply might not be


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