May/2024 - New Slaves for the New Global Economy - Part 5 - Sick is Good Business


For a sick society to thrive it needs slightly touched citizens. To be blame free it needs to allow and use several neurotic behaviors: Sado-Masochism (to master and be mastered), Narcissism (to be self-absorbed), and Hedonism (excessive pleasure seeking) are perfect lubricants to sustain the wheels of the present socio-economic system. It needs the American dream to be like the roadrunner, always fleeting while leaving the coyote, and its traditions, in the dust of decay. But you are not like the coyote. Unlike the old slaves, you are a very resilient Automaton; you’re stronger than a locomotive full of back breaking disappointments and demands, you’re running faster than the lethal bullets of progress, and are able to leap tall buildings of accumulated debt in a single bound. What you can’t handle is admitting that you are tied to the ball and chain of capital gain … It Terrifies You! The fact that you’re wrestling with feeling helpless and powerless is compounded by the constant threat of being put out of the herd to face the world alone. It makes you want to put your head in the sand and leave your ### in the air for the highest bidder to spank. Dare you disagree? Let’s see!

The automatization of individuals in modern society has increased the hopeless insecurity of the average person … thus he is ready to submit to the new world liberties which offer him security and relief from growing, restless doubt. But the authoritarian system ( … ) undermining our democracy ( … ) with a touch of feudalism ( … ) has overstepped its boundaries and is now grappling for answers within a Trump based Nazi Fascism ( … )  able to trigger the young, and working middle class, toward acts of anarchy (as recently seen in the storming of the white house).  Need you wonder why the sudden constant media ads regarding mental health opportunities (for employment and treatment). It gives testimony that certain things beyond the automatons ability to accommodate are happening; depression, insomnia, anxiety, suicide, and murder are not just on the rise but being socially normalized and accommodated. Thus, though most become just another cog plugged into the matrix wheels of essential daily functioning, some automatons become like puss filled pimples exploding all over the face of humanity. And yes! Some automatons have learned to play automaton with little to no negative effects.  How?

Accepting the capitalist system of punishment and reward as absolute, one insulates self from the truths of life, liberty, and justice for all and unconsciously proceeds with a quest for conquest using the three favored Neurotic behaviors to achieve a safe and satisfactory journey through the various cycles of socio-political economics; the Sado-Masochist worships authority from above and treats the subordinate with contempt, justifies actions with self-absorbed Narcissism, and absolves the conscience with deceptive Hedonistic pleasure seeking. Face it and get over yourself. From top to bottom, rich or poor, this formula for success works across race, color, creed, gender, and class. So, remember: Sick is Good Business. For those who understand the game and are able to play without losing self … work hard, play harder, and achieve knowing its ok: The true source of fascism is found in the human soul not in the economics …. Point! Check yourself out.

On The Hammer Of Truth


When a people have been so indoctrinated

That you can hit them on the head

With the hammer of truth

And cause little more than an echo

Then truly

They have been made ready for the Matrix

Where they, once alive and dangerously on the rise

Suddenly robotically animated

To serve with indifference …

To run like a mouse in a maze

Addicted to seeking and pressing A button

for a scheduled ration of punishment and reward

A paycheck – Hush Money

Guilt and conscious free

But let swing The Hammer of Truth to fall where it may

And let its echo ring long and loud

Till heard among the members of Assembly

Till heard among the members of Congress

Till the very Presidents chair itself

Be trembled by the sound of a people disgruntled onto staged outrage

As the hammer of truth continues to echo

The sound of a country being displaced


It’s not about Obama, Carter, or any other to bother

But about the many Mamma’s and Papa’s

the true crime stoppers and protectors of our neighborhood borders

Fully armored to stand and holler With the hammer of truth well in hand


Let’s emotionalize to mobilize a compromise

That will sterilize the commotion in the pollution of confusion.

To unleash the potential of human interaction and intervention

Let the heavens fall till the truth be told …

Let Lightening course our veins

And Thunder roar with every beat of our hearts …

Let our tears flow like a rain storm

To nourish and strengthen our soul

In ways to brave emotionalizing a cause to mobilize

A compromise that will sterilize the commotion

And the pollution of confusion in our minds


Till the truth be told - till righted be the present strife

Till the fuss and fight be stilled

Let the heavens fall

To emotionalize and mobilize

To sterilize the pollution

Away from our human potential

To love and make compromise


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