Jan 2024: New Slaves for the New Global Economy part 1 Intro

 New Slaves for the New Global Economy

Part 1. Introduction

 Slavery is the total control of one person by another for the purpose of economic exploitation. Keeping in mind that from the dawn of time slavery has been a key factor in progress, profit, and social stability; that Jesus himself said “you will always have the poor” do dare ask yourself: Is slavery dead or has it been refined; normalized and globalized? Do realize that in today’s growing global economy, new slaves are not only necessary, but they must possess a specific mindset able to function within a dynamic, flexible system of socio-economic control. A mindset that is systematically groomed throughout an individual’s experience within the standard educational system, both private as well as public.

Ask yourself; Are You Free? Assuming you feel you’re not, do you even want to be free? After all, to smoothly exist within the present economic game of capital gain, a game of reward and punishment, a game where the only requirement is to obey … why not submit and conform to the given authority. You only have to put on the side visors and “forward march” chanting, “If you see something, say nothing.” Just become another cog in the assembly line. But do note that traditional, agriculturally based slavery, regardless of inherited atrocities, did not change in a silent vacuum. It took a major shift in public opinion. A shift that, without proper buffers in place, would trigger chaos, anarchy, and/or revolution.  Thus enters British/American Capitalism and more.

Capitalism (an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state for the people), like slavery has not changed … they continue to evolve with a barbaric base and one objective: the monopoly, or the centralization of power and profit. At all costs the fundamentals of feudalism, land ownership, must be preserved. At all costs its means of production, distribution, and consumption through indentured servants must be preserved.

Thus enters the illusion of democracy’s basic principles: Equal Citizen Participation, Political and Religious Tolerance, Accountability, and Transparency. In a democratic society, the illusion of these ideals often finds their way into a constitution or bill of rights upheld and protected by individuals elected to represent the constituents of a given geographic location: States. And that’s where the problem begins. There are consequences.

Cognitive dissonance (see social psychologist, Leon Festinger) is a condition where an individuals perception of self and the world around conflicts with the realities of day to day life; thus creating an emotional toll/strain on one’s mental psyche. Alienation (see Jean-Jacques Rousseau/Erich Fromm) is the state of being withdrawn or separated from a group, person, or situation to which one was formerly attached; separation of human beings from some essential aspect of their nature or from society often results in feelings of powerlessness or helplessness. A perfect environment for creating the new slave – the Automaton - a relatively self-operating or controlled mechanism designed to automatically follow a sequence predetermined instructions. In future articles we’ll be discussing how if you have a credit card, a mortgage, and a car YOU ARE AN AUTOMATON.

The American Dehumanization


We’ve made business profits

Out of Dehumanization,

We’ve made prestigious careers

Out of Castration,

And we have made the American Dream

An Abomination

Before the God of Creation.

We have learned to walk in the shadows of death

And wear the crown of treacherous camaraderie

For those in need.

We’ve rebuilt the Tower of Babel

And have climbed its heights with great pride.

We’ve achieved feats of wonder

And left human ashes smoldering on the trail.

In the name of democracy we’ve lowered many a flags

And replaced them with banners of pirates

Professing free enterprise …

National Multitudes left shackled to the ball and chain

Of Capital Gain.

No more Commi Soci Ism threats

Just ashes of forgotten souls amber hot,

Huddled masses laying in wait

For breath to fan to flames

The Hounds Of Hell Unleashed.

Already preordained,

To test the alienated seeds

As yet seen or felt

The commotion of motion with new direction,

The byproduct consumption in procession,

An Abomination …

The American Dehumanization of its Population



Jose yrizarry


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