October Article / 2020 : Withholding Taxes for Community
Withholding Taxes for Community part 2 of 3 Stated in previous edition, there is reason to turn to, and empower, Grassroot Community based organizations (CBO). WHY? Wonder how your taxes are spent only to feel helpless. Wonder how much of your tax dollars pay for sustaining the life style of civil servants like the Senate, Congress , etc. A LOT! If officials, paid a lot, were listening to the peoples cry “ enough of President Trump ” (a popular opinion), how is it that the Senate, (representing the peoples voice), can refuse to impeach the president. Either somebody is not listening or somebody is not screaming load enough. So If they are not listening to THAT cry, can you expect such officials to listen to community needs. It’s time for “we the people” to turn to, and empower good old grassroot community-based organizations (CBO ) Time to enable them to take actions beyond simple protests and begin dethroning negligent officials obligated to assure...