March Article / 2021 - COMMON SENSE
Buffalo Latino Village COMMON SENSE When neighbors accept that “ It takes a village to fully raise a child ” STUFF HAPPENS! I grew up on such a block; a village within a village. I got punished because of neighbors ratting me out whenever caught doing or saying something out of line. Neighbors shared resources as simple as cups of sugar or milk. I didn’t like or understand it at the time but remember ; the name of the neighborhood cop that walked the beat and would take us to our parents instead of jail for trivial stuff, the mailman that delivered the mail with a smile, sprinkler caps put on fire hydrants for kids to cool off in the summer, and trees getting planted to beautify the blocks. That’s what united block associations can do to hold community boards accountable to use available resources (city, state, and federal projects and funds) for the betterment of the whole community. Sure, there will always be a few bad apples in the barrel; a drunk, a junkie, and/or a thief...